New Act will force governments to disclose UFO evidence to the public

The government could be forced to disclose if aliens have visited Earth under new legislation. The Senate passed an amendment in July that will be part of the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) for 2024. Known as the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Discloser Act, it says Government agencies with records, samples of craft or 'biological' material must hand it over within 300 days. President Joe Biden will have 90 days to appoint a nine-person Review Board responsible for investigating each record and determining if they are considered UAPs that should be disclosed to the public. Any government agency possessing such records will be required to hand over printed and digital copies to the board, which has 180 days to investigate and 14 days to publish their findings. The president, however, can vote against disclosing specific evidence if it poses a national threat. THIS IS HOW IT WOULD WORK:

The government could be forced to disclose if aliens have visited Earth under new legislation. The Senate passed an amendment in July that will be part of the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) for 2024. Known as the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Discloser Act, it says Government agencies with records, samples of craft or ‘biological’ material must hand it over within 300 days. President Joe Biden will have 90 days to appoint a nine-person Review Board responsible for investigating each record and determining if they are considered UAPs that should be disclosed to the public. Any government agency possessing such records will be required to hand over printed and digital copies to the board, which has 180 days to investigate and 14 days to publish their findings. The president, however, can vote against disclosing specific evidence if it poses a national threat. THIS IS HOW IT WOULD WORK:

Step One: The President forms the Review Board: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, has teamed up with Senator Mike Rounds, a Republican, in leading an effort to force the disclosure of information relating to what the government officially calls 'unidentified anomalous phenomena.' Their proposal is modeled after a 1992 US law spelling out the handling of records related to the 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy. 'For decades, many Americans have been fascinated by objects mysterious and unexplained, and it's long past time they get some answers,' Schumer said in a July statement, adding that the public 'has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena.' The president is tasked with nominating nine individuals to stand on the Review Board. This must be completed within 90 days of the enactment of the Act. Recommendations will come from leaders of the Senate, the Hosue of Representatives, the Secretary of Defense, the UAP Disclosure Foundation, The American Historical Associate and The National Academy of Sciences.

Step One: The President forms the Review Board: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, has teamed up with Senator Mike Rounds, a Republican, in leading an effort to force the disclosure of information relating to what the government officially calls ‘unidentified anomalous phenomena.’ Their proposal is modeled after a 1992 US law spelling out the handling of records related to the 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy. ‘For decades, many Americans have been fascinated by objects mysterious and unexplained, and it’s long past time they get some answers,’ Schumer said in a July statement, adding that the public ‘has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena.’ The president is tasked with nominating nine individuals to stand on the Review Board. This must be completed within 90 days of the enactment of the Act. Recommendations will come from leaders of the Senate, the Hosue of Representatives, the Secretary of Defense, the UAP Disclosure Foundation, The American Historical Associate and The National Academy of Sciences.

These individuals may not have any previous or current involvement with any legacy program or controlling authority related to the collection. The Act defines 'legacy program' as all Federal State and local government, commercial industry, academic, and private sector endeavors to collect, exploit, or reverse engineer technologies of unknown origin or examine bio10 logical evidence of living or deceased non-human intelligence that pre-dates the Act's enactment. The president also has the last say on whether specific evidence should be disclosed. The document continues to explain that the president can postpone disclosure of certain records if they are identified as harm 'to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations.' Other cases include records naming an intelligence officer who requires protection. The president would also be tasked with making nominations to the Review Board no later than 90 days after the enactment of the Act.

These individuals may not have any previous or current involvement with any legacy program or controlling authority related to the collection. The Act defines ‘legacy program’ as all Federal State and local government, commercial industry, academic, and private sector endeavors to collect, exploit, or reverse engineer technologies of unknown origin or examine bio10 logical evidence of living or deceased non-human intelligence that pre-dates the Act’s enactment. The president also has the last say on whether specific evidence should be disclosed. The document continues to explain that the president can postpone disclosure of certain records if they are identified as harm ‘to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations.’ Other cases include records naming an intelligence officer who requires protection. The president would also be tasked with making nominations to the Review Board no later than 90 days after the enactment of the Act.

Step 2: Governments must handover UAP records: The Act states government offices have 300 days after the date of enactment to hand over records to the Review Board. These offices include the president, the Department of Defense, all military branches, the Department of Energy, the Director of National Intelligence, the Library of Congress and more. The document also names the Manhattan Project, which produced the first nuclear bomb. However, these agencies will retain ownership of the UAP records, which they will preserve and secure. The head of each office is required to print a copy of each physical record and create a digital copy that will be sent to the Review Board. The Act establishes that the federal government would have 'eminent domain' over any recovered technologies of unknown origin and that private individuals or entities may control any biological evidence of 'non-human intelligence.' The document defines UAPs as 'any object operating or judged capable of operating in outer space, the atmosphere, ocean surfaces, or undersea, lacking prosaic attribution due to performance characteristics and properties not previously known to be achievable based upon commonly accepted physical principles.' These objects would be flying discs, flying saucers, unidentified aerial phenomena, unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and unidentified submerged objects (USOs).

Step 2: Governments must handover UAP records: The Act states government offices have 300 days after the date of enactment to hand over records to the Review Board. These offices include the president, the Department of Defense, all military branches, the Department of Energy, the Director of National Intelligence, the Library of Congress and more. The document also names the Manhattan Project, which produced the first nuclear bomb. However, these agencies will retain ownership of the UAP records, which they will preserve and secure. The head of each office is required to print a copy of each physical record and create a digital copy that will be sent to the Review Board. The Act establishes that the federal government would have ’eminent domain’ over any recovered technologies of unknown origin and that private individuals or entities may control any biological evidence of ‘non-human intelligence.’ The document defines UAPs as ‘any object operating or judged capable of operating in outer space, the atmosphere, ocean surfaces, or undersea, lacking prosaic attribution due to performance characteristics and properties not previously known to be achievable based upon commonly accepted physical principles.’ These objects would be flying discs, flying saucers, unidentified aerial phenomena, unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and unidentified submerged objects (USOs).

Step 3: Review Board investigates the evidence: The nine-person board will have 180 days to review each case about UAPs. This group must have at least one national security officer, foreign service official, scientist or engineer, economist, professional historian and sociologist. The Review Board's goals are to determine if a recorder constitutes as an unidentified anomalous phenomena record and whether an unidentified anomalous phenomena record or particular information in a record qualifies for postponement of disclosure. These individuals also have the power to subpoena citizens for their testimony, records and other information relevant to the case. 'The Review Board and the terms of its members shall terminate not later than September 30, 2030, unless extended by Congress,' reads the 64-page document.

Step 3: Review Board investigates the evidence: The nine-person board will have 180 days to review each case about UAPs. This group must have at least one national security officer, foreign service official, scientist or engineer, economist, professional historian and sociologist. The Review Board’s goals are to determine if a recorder constitutes as an unidentified anomalous phenomena record and whether an unidentified anomalous phenomena record or particular information in a record qualifies for postponement of disclosure. These individuals also have the power to subpoena citizens for their testimony, records and other information relevant to the case. ‘The Review Board and the terms of its members shall terminate not later than September 30, 2030, unless extended by Congress,’ reads the 64-page document.

Step 4: Review Board publishes its findings: The Act states that the Review Board must notify the head of each government office about their determination of the records. Once this is completed, the Review Board must publish the findings within 14 days for the public. Senator Rounds said: 'Our goal is to assure credibility with regard to any investigation or record keeping of materials associated with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). 'Relevant documents related to this issue should be preserved. Providing a central collection location and reputable review board to maintain the records adds to the credibility of any future investigations.' The amendment surfaced just days before Congress held a UFO hearing that was streamed to the world. David Grusch - a former high-ranking intelligence official - was one of three military whistleblowers who testified under oath that they had firsthand encounters or knowledge about secret government programs involving technology that is 'non-human.' He claimed that the US has been in possession of UFOs since 'the 1930s' and has been secretly back-engineering them and carrying out a public disinformation campaign to prevent the details from leaking publicly. Pictured: A handwritten memo claiming to describe the crash.

Step 4: Review Board publishes its findings: The Act states that the Review Board must notify the head of each government office about their determination of the records. Once this is completed, the Review Board must publish the findings within 14 days for the public. Senator Rounds said: ‘Our goal is to assure credibility with regard to any investigation or record keeping of materials associated with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). ‘Relevant documents related to this issue should be preserved. Providing a central collection location and reputable review board to maintain the records adds to the credibility of any future investigations.’ The amendment surfaced just days before Congress held a UFO hearing that was streamed to the world. David Grusch – a former high-ranking intelligence official – was one of three military whistleblowers who testified under oath that they had firsthand encounters or knowledge about secret government programs involving technology that is ‘non-human.’ He claimed that the US has been in possession of UFOs since ‘the 1930s’ and has been secretly back-engineering them and carrying out a public disinformation campaign to prevent the details from leaking publicly. Pictured: A handwritten memo claiming to describe the crash.

Grusch was sworn in on July 26, along with Ryan Graves, an esteemed former pilot, and Navy veteran fighter pilot Commander David Fravor, who witnessed the 2004 'Tic Tac' UFO. The men stated that the US had run a top-secret UFO retrieval program for decades and claimed the 'Vatican was involved' in the first-ever UFO crash. Grusch said last month that the first recovery of a UFO was in Magenta, Italy, in 1933, and Mussolini's Italian government held it until 1944 through 1945 when Pope Pius XII tipped America off about it. 'Due to my extensive executive level intelligence support duties, I was cleared to literally all relevant compartments and in a position of extreme trust both of my military and civilian capacities,' Grusch said during Wednesday's hearing. 'I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access to that additional read-on when I requested it.' Representative Glenn Grothman asked Grusch if he firmly believes the government has possession of UAPs, to which the former intelligence officer responded, 'Absolutely.' And he said that is based on interviews with at least 40 witnesses. Pictured: Ryan Graves.

Grusch was sworn in on July 26, along with Ryan Graves, an esteemed former pilot, and Navy veteran fighter pilot Commander David Fravor, who witnessed the 2004 ‘Tic Tac’ UFO. The men stated that the US had run a top-secret UFO retrieval program for decades and claimed the ‘Vatican was involved’ in the first-ever UFO crash. Grusch said last month that the first recovery of a UFO was in Magenta, Italy, in 1933, and Mussolini’s Italian government held it until 1944 through 1945 when Pope Pius XII tipped America off about it. ‘Due to my extensive executive level intelligence support duties, I was cleared to literally all relevant compartments and in a position of extreme trust both of my military and civilian capacities,’ Grusch said during Wednesday’s hearing. ‘I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access to that additional read-on when I requested it.’ Representative Glenn Grothman asked Grusch if he firmly believes the government has possession of UAPs, to which the former intelligence officer responded, ‘Absolutely.’ And he said that is based on interviews with at least 40 witnesses. Pictured: Ryan Graves.

Fravor reminded the world about his infamous 2004 encounter with the 'Tic Tac' UFO. 'I'd like to say that the tic tac object we engaged in 2004 was far superior to anything that we had at the time, have today or are looking to develop in the next 10 years, he said. 'If we, in fact, have programs that possess this technology, it needs to have oversight from those people that the citizens of this country elected in office to represent what is best for the United States and best for the citizens.' Fravor described the Tic Tac object as being 'perfectly white, smooth and had no windows,' with 'two little objects that came out of the bottom.'

Fravor reminded the world about his infamous 2004 encounter with the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO. ‘I’d like to say that the tic tac object we engaged in 2004 was far superior to anything that we had at the time, have today or are looking to develop in the next 10 years, he said. ‘If we, in fact, have programs that possess this technology, it needs to have oversight from those people that the citizens of this country elected in office to represent what is best for the United States and best for the citizens.’ Fravor described the Tic Tac object as being ‘perfectly white, smooth and had no windows,’ with ‘two little objects that came out of the bottom.’

Graves said, as an F-18 pilot in the Red Rippers, their squadron was 'split by UAP' during a training mission near Virginia Beach in 2014. He described the object as 'dark gray or black inside a transparent sphere.' It was about 15 feet in diameter and came within 50 feet of the lead aircraft. The mission commander ended the flight, and the squadron submitted a safety report, Graves continued to explain. 'This story is more common than we expect,' Graves said: 'more than 30 witnesses had told his group about similar sightings.' Read the full story:

Graves said, as an F-18 pilot in the Red Rippers, their squadron was ‘split by UAP’ during a training mission near Virginia Beach in 2014. He described the object as ‘dark gray or black inside a transparent sphere.’ It was about 15 feet in diameter and came within 50 feet of the lead aircraft. The mission commander ended the flight, and the squadron submitted a safety report, Graves continued to explain. ‘This story is more common than we expect,’ Graves said: ‘more than 30 witnesses had told his group about similar sightings.’

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