Check out this rare footage of a squadron of the semi-endangered Dalmatian pelicans feeding on fish. CREDIT: NICK DALE
Check out this rare footage of a squadron of the semi-endangered Dalmatian pelicans feeding on fish. CREDIT: NICK DALE
Some of the gorgeous pelicans manage to grab onto one of the ‘flying’ fish. Pelicans generally feed on fish such as carp, perch, and eels. They might also eat small amphibians, crustaceans, and other aquatic organisms.
The pod of Dalmatian pelicans looks to the sky for any more soaring fish. Humans often spend time feeding pelicans as a nature-watching experience.
Dalmatian pelicans are stunning to look at. Their rarity makes them even more appealing to spot in the wild.
Even more chaos ensues as the pelicans squabble over who gets the new fish. These arguments are mostly harmless, as pelicans are peaceful creatures.