the unidentified object, moving with unparalleled speed and agility, defied conventional explanations, baffling experts. As the aviation community and researchers analyze this puzzling incident, there are many theories about the nature and origin of this mysterious airborne anomaly.
“the Air traffic Control Center documents the moment countless pilots report an unidentified flying object (UFO). the elusive object moves at an unmatched speed, displaying unusual agility that perplexed aviation experts. the baffling incident has triggered widespread analysis and speculation, with many theories emerging around its origin and nature.” #UFOs #AviationMystery #UnidentifiedFlyingObject
For the fifth consecutive night, pilots belonging to different airlines have reported the presence of UFOs over the skies of Porto Alegre, Brazil.

the alert was triggered by bright lights in the sky that moved erratically.
According to Inexplicata, between 22:50 and 23:10, four flights reported the presence of strange lights in the sky to the Air traffic Control center.
the flights in question were 4248, 3140, 4407, of Azul Air, and LAtAM flight 3406. Pilots noticed that the lights went on and off, but did not constitute a hindrance to air traffic.
the moment was recorded by the Salgado Filho Airport Control Center.